The 8 Essential Qualities of our Healthy Church

Empowering Leadership

Leaders Equip, Support, and Motivate Fellow Believers to BE who they are in Jesus; investing a majority of time in Discipleship, Delegation and Multiplying Gospel–driven people who multiply Gospel-driven people.

Gift-based Ministry

The role of Church Leadership is to help members Identify Jesus’ Shared Gifts and Integrate them into Ministries that match their Distinct Passion/s.

Passionate Spirituality

Jesus’ Faith is actually Embraced in our Distinct Lives with Loving, Laughing, Dancing and Dreaming while encountering the Trinity through the various Rhythm’s of Grace (Prayer, Bible Reading, Fasting, Sacrificial & Generous Giving of time, talent and treasure, etc.)

Functional Structures

The Most Important Criterion for Everything we do is the Question “Is our Form or Structure grounded in our Trinitarian Mission/Vision Statement?”

Inspiring Worship Celebrations

Where the Weekly Church Celebration is an Inspiring Experience for those who attend, and is filled with Loving, Laughing, Dancing, Dreaming, Lot’s of Fun and even the joy that comes with suffering!

Holistic Small Groups

Where Believers find Intimate Community, Practical Help, and Intensive Spiritual Interaction, while Connecting and for one another.

Need-Oriented Evangelism

Where New People Embrace Who Jesus is because NLF members help them see how the Gospel meets their needs through the Holy Spirit’s Creative Leading.

Loving Relationships

Unfeigned Being and Doing in Love Endows our Church with a much greater Magnetic Power than all the Marketing Efforts of this world.